Sally Harper
Senior Editor
Health & Wellness Advice
A strong immune system gives you a strong edge to staying healthy and fighting off infections, illness and disease. People often disagree on the best ways of achieving this, but one clear consensus remains – key ingredients have been shown to help boost immunity. Alongside a healthy nutritional diet, natural ingredients such as Echinacea, Elderberry, Garlic and Vitamin C are at the forefront of clinical research demonstrating their effectiveness for helping support the body’s defense mechanisms in fighting off infections and viruses.
In order to help support the body’s defense mechanisms, a multi-targeted approach should be taken to bolster the entire complex network of organs, tissues and cells that work together to overcome detrimental infections. The good news is that a healthy immune system can be achieved swiftly and safely by taking an effective Immune Boosting supplement.
However, it can be beyond confusing for consumers, not knowing which products are worth buying and which are worthless fakes. We carefully examined which products are backed up with scientific support and real explanations as to why they have formulated their version of an Immune Boosting supplement in the way that they have or how exactly they work to help support the body’s defense mechanism.

What Is The Science Behind Boosting Immunity?
When your immune system is weak, your body is more prone to infections and viruses, so to aid the prevention of illness and disease, it is paramount that you maintain a healthy, balanced immune system. Research has shown that certain natural ingredients can help achieve a strong immune system. These key ingredients provide a variety of health benefits for boosting your immune system including:
- Increasing antioxidants to fight free radicals in the body.
- Boosting white blood cell count to stave off infections.
- Reducing inflammation in the body.
- Fighting pathogens to eliminate the potential of disease & illness.
- Supporting vitamin or mineral deficiencies that may be present.
Our immune system comprises of white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow. When our immune system functions optimally, it identifies threats like pathogens, microbes, bacteria or parasites stimulating a response to destroy them. Although our innate (what we are born with) and adaptive (what we develop as we are exposed to germs throughout our life) systems cannot be altered per se, they can be supercharged, especially when we are running on low or empty. A variety of reasons can often cause our immune systems to fail and this is when we can step in and help support our body to strengthen our immunity.
Our Research On Immune Boosting Products
When looking for an effective Immune Boosting product to ensure we stay strong and healthy, consumers need to be aware of what is contained within formulas by reading and understanding the product’s label. Due to the fact that we know what we are looking for, we were able to immediately spot manufacturers that were simply out to make a quick return and cash in on the latest trends versus the products that we consider to be high quality and effective supplements that will bring positive results.
Our research identified key clinically-proven ingredients which should be included in an Immune Boosting supplement for optimal effects. These ingredients include:
- Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)
- Echinacea
- Zinc
- Garlic
- Vitamin C
Thorough research takes time and money, which most people don’t have an endless supply of. So, we did the work for you, saving you both. We researched numerous Immune Boosting products to ascertain an in-depth analysis of what is out there on the market.
To determine those products that we could rate as beneficial, we looked to see if they contained the correct concentration and ingredients, how potent they were and their grade of purity. We eliminated products that we found to contain synthetic fillers, unnecessary ingredients and those that each pill showed inconsistency with each other.
However, that was not all, we didn’t stop there. We understand that facts and figures don’t always tell the whole story. So, we looked for real consumers who had purchased and used the products and asked them for their feedback. Their testimonials helped us to establish a list of the best possible products currently available based on the experience of real consumers.
How To Find High-Quality Immune Boosting Supplement Manufacturers
OK, so….there are several key elements to look out for that can pretty much guarantee the product’s authenticity.
- Optimal Dosage and Purity: We eliminated any products with synthetic fillers, unnecessary ingredients and inconsistent pills.
- Verified Customer Reviews: We reviewed testimonials of real consumers who had purchased, used the products and given feedback.
- Monitoring by a Third Party: Using third-party organizations to independently monitor and track the reputation of a manufacturer and assess their customer satisfaction levels is crucial.
- 100% Money Back Guarantee: A strong guarantee demonstrates the confidence that manufacturers have in their products.
- External Testing: Third-party testing substantiates and verifies the quality of the manufacturer’s product. It can be very expensive for manufacturers to undertake and even disqualify entire shipments of products that don’t reach the correct standards.
We are very confident in the brands that we did pick. Given our stringent parameters and reasons for choosing our recommendations, we are sure our suggestions will help you achieve the results you are looking for.
Our Immune Boosting Product Recommendations
Our product recommendation stands tall against its competition, we think you will agree. The company’s excellent reputation, quality product, external independent monitoring, and testing, coupled with an incredible money back guarantee policy, makes this a good product to consider if you are looking for a quality Immune Boosting supplement.

Rating: Excellent

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✓ Effectiveness
✓ Potency
✓ Money Back Guarantee
✓ Value
✓ Consumer Feedback
✓ Company Reputation
Approved Science Immune Booster
If you are feeling run down and in need of boosting your immune system, then Approved Science Immune Booster is something that deserves your undivided attention. Of all the Immune Boosting supplements currently available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look and very likely, the one that will change your life!
It contains the highest quality, clinically-proven ingredients for optimizing your body’s defense system. Each ingredient was handpicked based on research and clinical data. The formula is a clean, comprehensive targeted list of key ingredients including Black Elderberry, Echinacea, Garlic, Vitamin C and Zinc – exactly what you need to effectively boost your immunity. It does not contain any additives or preservatives and is totally 100% safe to use with no long-term side effects.
Quality: Approved Science Immune Booster contains high-grade, natural, clinically-verified ingredients that are GMP certified.
Reputation: Their reputation is top quality. This manufacturer has several third-party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.
Money Back Guarantee: Every item sold, is supported by a 60-day 100% money back guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results. Great news for consumers.
What’s more, they are well known in the industry and an established company that provides great customer support service, secure and easy checkout as well as prompt, efficient delivery.
Their commitment to the health industry and consumer is excellent, providing further qualification of efficacy by producing their products in an FDA registered laboratory.
If you are looking for a product that ticks all the boxes for an effective Immune Boosting supplement, from an established reputable company with an excellent money-back guarantee, this is the supplement for you.
It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Approved Science Immune Booster is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.
See the full review

Rating: Good

Biom Virus Shield
Biom Virus Shield has a great name, and on first glance, looks like a great product. It does contain several key ingredients namely Elderberry and Echinacea plus a host of patented ingredients which can usually be a good sign that you are looking at a good product. However, when we started to pick them apart we could not ascertain the exact amounts of each ingredient as they are grouped together in patented proprietary blends which makes it super hard to understand exactly how much of something you are ingesting.
This was not our only concern. When reviewing this product, we were shocked to see that it came with a price tag of almost $100! This is absurd. It may be a mistake on Amazon but if not, a one-month supply of this product would leave most people broke! It is definitely not what we would class as an affordable option for the majority. We appreciated the fact they based their formula upon a variety of patented ingredients but don’t like that a huge chunk of this product is made up of probiotics. Whilst probiotics are super important for maintaining gut health (poor GI health is of course a symptom of a weakened immune system), it is not the most essential. We would like to have seen a separate probiotic product alongside this Immune Boosting formula for the best results. Unfortunately, we felt that they were simply lacking in more of the key ingredients that are backed by scientific research.
We also didn’t find many positive reviews, which was a shame, but the one that we did find was singing its praises which was good to see. This is a fairly new manufacturer so we don’t know so much about them but what we do know is that they don’t offer a money back guarantee, which is really quite disappointing.
Read our full review to discover everything that you need to know about this product.
Click here to read the full review

Rating: OK

Legion Immune
Legion Immune is a product designed with adults in mind and offers a high dosage of Vitamin C in its formula, alongside other key ingredients Garlic and Zinc which for us, is a great start. However, they failed to include the clinically proven ingredients Elderberry and Echinacea instead substituting them for Geranium, Ginseng and Polysaccharides. Whilst these are healthy ingredients and we have no doubt are top quality, they are not the most effective for boosting your immune system. This was disappointing to say the least.
We liked the fact that this product contains a large serving of Vitamin C (almost 500 mg) but we really feel that this is perhaps a little high when the RDA falls around 100 mg. Why include five times more than the RDA? We know for sure that this is not based on any research that we have found – could it be that they know something that we don’t? However, we did like the price. At $39.95, this seems to be on par with other similar products and falls within something that is affordable for most people.
Most impressive were the positive reviews we found on Amazon about how well the product has worked for people. That said, there were not that many which leaves us questioning how new to the market this product is and how good it really is. We could not find an effective money back guarantee which is always a red flag for us. In addition, we were unable to find any real clinical studies that support the ingredients that they have included in their formula.
Read on to find out more.
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